Duo Danube Bratislava 2020


DUODANUBE Bratislava 22.-23.08.2020

On August 22-23, 2020, we participated in the DUODANUBE International Dog Show in Bratislava, SK.

22.08.2020 IDS Bratislava, judge: Sergej Vanzha/SK
Aslan Little Carpathians open class: Exc.1, CAC
Bigsmithy Cheesecake champion class: Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS

23.08.2020 IDS Bratislava, judge: Otakar Vondrouš, CZ.
Aslan Little Carpathians open class: Exc.1, CAC, Res.CACIB
Airyn of Ambaland champion class: Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS

Airyn thus fulfilled the conditions for awarding the SLOVAK SUPER GRAND CHAMPION title.

The owner of Alegra Little Carpathians, Dominika Vrablicová, participated in the show, and on both days, in the intermediate class, she won the awards Exc.1, CAC.

At the same time, we had the opportunity to meet Michaela Mauer and her Quincy (Fonteposca’s Face to Face) – the father of litter A.